Books on My Spring TBR | Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is all about the love of lists, and is currently hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!

Copy of Waiting on

Today’s topic is books on my Spring TBR, and I cannot wait to start these amazing books!

10. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1)The book everyone has been talking about. I literally know nothing about this book other than that people really seem to enjoy it. Some people have given it lower reviews as well. I am going in with the expectation of a 3-4 star read with the hopes that it will surpass that. We’ll see!

9. Ensnared by Rita Stradling

EnsnaredI got approved for this on Netgalley a while ago, but unfortunately, my e-reader died shortly after. Meaning I was never able to read this. I want to remedy this problem, now that I have a functioning e-reader, and finally get around to reading this! Plus, it sounds pretty good, so I am excited!

8. Furyborn by Claire Legrand

Furyborn (Empirium, #1)I received this in my December Fairyloot box, so I figured I should read it before it comes out in May. This is another one that I know pretty much nothing about, but I am excited nevertheless.

7. The Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6) by Richelle Mead

Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6)It’s finally come. The last book. By April, I will have read all of the books in this series except for this finale. I honestly don’t know what to expect at this point. Blood Promise (#4) wasn’t my favorite, and while Spirit Bound (#5) is looking a little better right now, these two books aren’t living up to my love for the first three books. I hope that I am not disappointed in the ending of this series – but only time will tell!

6. Shoeburn and the Ill-Fitting Necklace by Shoeburn Ruffet

Shoeburn and the Ill-Fitting Necklace (The Ruffet Conundrum #1)You have to admit, this TBR is already pretty filled with High Fantasies (and trust me, more are coming). So this witty, nonsensical read is going to be an amazing palette cleanser. The author provided me with a copy of this for review, and I am excited to get to this soon!

5. Sinner by Christopher Graves

SinnerThis beautiful book was provided to me by a publicist, and I am so ready for a good mystery thriller. I absolutely love this genre and simply don’t read it enough, so I am happy to have this on my top TBR for Spring!

4. The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green

The Smoke Thieves (The Smoke Thieves, #1)This sounds like it is dripping in politics, and I am so ready for it. I also love the idea of figuring out how these 4 different individuals are all connected. I hope it’s as good as I am expecting!

3. Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton

The Queens of Innis LearAs this is another book filled with politics and intrigue, one might ask why this is ranked above The Smoke Thieves, despite its lower rating on Goodreads. Well, two reasons: the sister dynamic is always something that appeals to me (I have three sisters, you know). And this is also coming out sooner, so I’d like to read it before it comes out.

2. Isle of Blood and Stone by Makiia Lucier

Isle of Blood and Stone (Isle of Blood and Stone, #1)This book screams treasure hunting and adventure and I am so here for it. Nothing else needs to be said, right?

1. To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

To Kill a KingdomMy #1 most anticipated read for Spring is by far To Kill a Kingdom. I need to read a good book about the world beneath the surface of the sea, and this sounds extremely promising. Plus, I recently received this from Netgalley, so I would like to read as soon as possible since it has already come out.



What books are on your Spring TBR? I am going to try and read all of these in April, but we’ll see!

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